30 Days of Lists is coming back for a special December edition this year! and I’m very much excited about this. I discovered 30 days of lists back in March this year, joined in and never looked back. It’s an awesome and easy way to record a snapshot of your life through daily lists for an entire month.
There is no right or wrong way to make a list; some people use just a simple scrap of paper, some others do it digitally, some add photos and embellishments. Whatever suits you, is more than fine. I personally prefer using a little notebook and embellish each page with photos, stamps, stickers. You can check my previous lists here. For more inspiring lists from previous rounds have a look on Instagram under the hashtag #30lists or on Flickr under the 30daysoflistsgroup.
If you are looking for an excuse to get listing, then this is the challenge for you. Subscribe to the 30 days of lists newsletter by clicking the banner below and get ready to sign up for it this Monday, November 11th!

If you don’t feel like waiting until December, you can take up on previous rounds at your own pace.
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