Autumn wreath


This year, for the first time, I had plans in decorating our front porch. Since we moved to our place a few years ago, I have dreamed of flower baskets hanging outdoor, seasonal wreaths and various decorations. Sadly, none of this has been possible to date; our front porch is literally falling off. So, last summer we finally made the decision to get a builder in September to fix it. Needless to say, that September became mid October, and that has now become mid November. But last week, in the middle of a DIY withdrawal, I made a simple and small autumnal wreath which will be hang outside to inaugurate our new entrance, once is ready. 

I used a small wicker wreath as a base, about 25cm, and covered it with a burnt orange wool yarn. I then sew some felted ball in various colours, but you can easily use a glue gun. I didn’t really follow a pattern, just made decisions on colour and position as I sew along. I then made a hook on the top using some matching yarn and did a little testing, to see where it would sit best on our door. But for the time being is hanging in our living room, out of reach from my little who’s obsessed with felted balls!

Felted Pouch

I bought a new laptop just before Christmas and was in desperate need for a nice and coloured pouch. The ones from the shops were not very stylish, and the ones online would have not arrived on time before going away. So I went to one of the local charity shops and got a wool sweater for a fiver, machine washed it, hand stitched it and voila’…my new pouch was ready to be loved by everyone!!

Recycled felt blanket

My blanket is finally finished! It has been a very long term project, started back at the beginning of this year. I collected several second hand sweaters from charity shops and then felted them using a hot cycle in the washing machine. My mum helped me cut the squares in three different sizes and when I had enough of them I hand stitched each piece together using some gray cotton yarn. I did try sewing the pieces using the sewing machine, but I think a more rough and chunkier final look suited this material better. I’m quite pleased on how it turned out and believe me it is so warm and comfy that we can’t watch tv on the couch without it anymore!

Ongoing Projects

I’m so getting addicted to felt!! I bought some wool sweater from the charity shop just before summer, and after tossing them into the washer and washing them with soap on a hot cycle, they shrank like crazy! I then cut them in squares of three different sizes; they’ll make a very warm winter blanket, perfect for a cosy night on the couch!

The other project I’m working on is a knitting needles roll. The pattern came from here, and it just looks wonderful. I’m currently in the process of making two of those as Christmas presents, but I’m thinking of making one for myself too!

First post and first craft project

I made this felt application for a plain orange cushion we bought for our sofa. I cut the tree from a recycled felted sweater I got from a charity shop and then sew it to the cushion. The sewing part was a bit difficult, but i was pleased with the overall result.