It’s week 5 and things are great! It’s still cold and wet, but the mornings are getting lighter and that is a good sign that spring will come, no matter how long winter will be.
“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2014”
Olivia: She’s still obsessed over wipes, a lot! Sometimes they even replace her puppets when we go out or to nursery (like she did this morning). She knows where they are on the shelf at our local supermarket, and she goes straight there to pick a pack every time we go there. Fortunately, she has now found a new and better use than wiping herself, her puppets, or the floor, the walls and all our furniture: playing pick-a-boo!
Baby-to-be: Nothing to report this week, except my daily food cravings and some tiredness in the evening, aka 7pm cat nap on the couch!