is it a boy or is it a girl?

After months of waiting we finally found out yesterday we are expecting a baby boy! we were very much convinced it was going to be another girl, we had even picked a name, and now, after the initial disbelieve, we are ever so thrilled about the news. 
And since I have been vary lazy lately, I’m posting the last three weeks of my growing belly too.

fruits of the womb // week 18

This week I struggled to get a decent photo. The light was weird, I still haven’t mastered the art of the self-timer on my phone and I feel like none of my dresses fit well anymore. Apart from the awkwardness of feeling heavy and moving like an elephant, baby seems to be doing well. We did feel some bubbles popping, and I think this counts as feeling the baby moving! According to the babycenter, from where I’m getting all the weekly updates, the baby should be weighting almost 200gr and be roughly 14cm from head to bottom. Now we just need to know if it’s going to be a boy or a girl!


It’s week 6 and I’m playing catch up! I couldn’t get a decent photo over the past week and I tried to make up for it yesterday during my lunch break and last night at bath time. 
“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2014”
Olivia: She still loves bath time (and so do I). She loves washing herself, including her hair (finally!). The tricky thing is getting her out of the tub when the water starts to get cold. Yesterday, I managed to persuade her with a face cream, which ended up everywhere on her body, hair included….she’s such a girlie girl!
Baby-to-be: We (well, it was just me!) heard the heartbeat for the first time, and it was nice to know everything is going well especially after my fall down the stairs a few weeks back!
And we have a new banner for this year’s project from one of my favourite artist, Oana Befort. Click on the sidebar to see all my previous posts.
Linking up with Jody from Practising Simplicity.


It’s week 5 and things are great! It’s still cold and wet, but the mornings are getting lighter and that is a good sign that spring will come, no matter how long winter will be.
“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2014”
Olivia: She’s still obsessed over wipes, a lot! Sometimes they even replace her puppets when we go out or to nursery (like she did this morning). She knows where they are on the shelf at our local supermarket, and she goes straight there to pick a pack every time we go there. Fortunately, she has now found a new and better use than wiping herself, her puppets, or the floor, the walls and all our furniture: playing pick-a-boo! 
Baby-to-be: Nothing to report this week, except my daily food cravings and some tiredness in the evening, aka 7pm cat nap on the couch!
Linking up with Jody from Practising Simplicity.


It’s week 4, and I’m making some changes to this project. I’ve decided to include the “fruits of the womb” project in here as well, to keep track and record the week of both my babies. Hope it works!
“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2014”
Olivia: She’s still enjoying bath time very much (and so do I!). She insists on washing herself, including her hair and loves singing while doing so; although the singing continues all day long.
Baby-to-be: He/she is still very quiet. I can feel my belly  growing almost daily, and my weird food cravings are being accommodated.
Linking up with Jody from Practising Simplicity.