#30lists / 7. In my bag!

I love today’s list prompt! Since I’ve gone back to work, my daughter’s pram bag has been replaced with a big shoulder bag which I never leave! My bag is full of all the important (and less important) stuff that I might need during my day away from home. Needless to say, I hardly use any of the stuff that I carry around, I do work 9-5 after all, but it makes me feel good knowing that if I need it, it’s there for me to use!
My bag weights a ton and there is complete chaos in it, but I love it!

In case you can’t read my handwriting…

7. In my bag!
It’s complete chaos, but I love it!
  • 2013 diary
  • A6 notebook
  • A5 notepad
  • 30lists notebook
  • Moleskine watercolour notebook
  • 2 pentel water brushes
  • 2 mechanical pencils
  • 2 permanent black markers
  • 1 black felted tip pen (the one I’m using)
  • 1 red felted tip pen
  • Watercolours box
  • Small post-it notes block
  • USB pen drive
  • Phone + charger
  • Plastic carrier bag (don’t know why!)
  • Wallet
  • Umbrella
  • Sesame snaps (probably expired)
  • Headphones
  • Glasses cleaning cloth

This list could really benefit from a picture of the bag (and its content!); I might add one to notebook when I get the chance.
The black Staedler pigment liner I’ve been using so far gave up on me today. I tried to fix the text by rewriting on top messing things up even more (I’m the queen of bad fixing solutions!) and ruining the page with today’s list. Following today’s mess, I’m going to use a different pen from now on!

If you are curious about this challenge and want to know more, check the 30 days of lists website. There’s still time to register!! 
Previous lists can be found here.

#30lists / 6. My talents

My first reaction to today’s prompt was: ‘Oh my god, I’m going to have a blank page in my #30lists notebook!’. Then I had a look at Amy’s and Kam’s lists for some inspiration and started thinking. I wouldn’t call these ‘talents’, but for sure these are things that I can do relatively well, except for the arrows as bullet points!

In case you can’t read my handwriting…

6. My talents

  • I finish whatever I start, no matter what
  • I am reliable
  • I can draw and paint
  • I speak two languages
  • I am good at almost anything I set my mind on
There is still some space available in this page to add another talent…maybe I will discover a new one by the end of this challenge, who knows!

If you are curious about this challenge and want to know more, check the 30 days of lists website. There’s still time to register!! 
Previous lists can be found here.

#30lists / 5. Things I would like to do/accomplish by the end of themonth

I was flicking through the filled in pages of my notebook for #30lists today and realised I’m so loving this project! 

Today’s list is my wish list for this month. I’m saying wish list and I don’t feel very positive about it, but this exact same list has been my February to-do list too. Now that it has been written down and published, I will actually try harder to get things crossed off. Come back by the end of the month to check what I actually managed to accomplish!

In case you can’t read my handwriting…

5. Things I would like to do/accomplish by the end of this month

  • Get through 30 days of lists
  • Have a blog re-do (SketchingInColour.blogspot
  • Go on holiday
  • Complete current sketchbook (only 12 pages left)
  • Finish at least one collage
  • Start thinking seriously about opening an Etsy shop
  • Go to a car boot sale – it has been too long!

If you are curious about this challenge and want to know more, check the 30 days of lists website. There’s still time to register!! 

Previous lists can be found here.

#30lists / 4. On an average day, I…

Because life isn’t complicated enough, I made two lists for today’s prompt…I couldn’t really make up my mind with which one I should have gone for…

One is a boring timetable of all the planned activities I do on an average day, one is a shorter list with all the things that I do, but that maybe I shouldn’t do!
In case you can’t read my handwriting…
4. On an average day, I…

  • Work 9-5
  • Drink two coffees and two teas
  • Eat pasta for lunch
  • Skype with family
  • Surf the net while Olivia has a bath
  • Spend the evening watching US comedy series with my mister
  • Plan an alternative life
4. On an average day, I…List #2
  • 7.30am – Wake up
  • 8am – Breakfast with Olivia
  • 9am – Work
  • 12.30pm – Home for lunch
  • 2pm – Work
  • 5.30pm – Back home
  • 6.30pm – Olivia’s dinner time
  • 7pm – Olivia’s bath time
  • 7.30pm – Skype with family
  • 8pm – Dinner with my mister
  • 8.30pm – Olivia’s bed time
  • 9pm – TV time
  • 11.30pm – Bed time

If you are curious about this challenge and want to know more, check the 30 days of lists website. There’s still time to register!! 

Previous lists can be found here.

#30lists / 3. This_, I am going to_

Day three of listing had me writing down my Sunday to-do list!

In case you can’t read my handwriting…
3. This Sunday, I’m going to:
  • Clean the kitchen
  • Online grocery shopping
  • Print Olivia’s pic for nursery
  • Publish #52 blog post
  • Start planning a book blog re-do
  • Book Easter’s holiday
  • Tidy up mu work space – wishful thinking
  • Bake a cake
I was planning to use one of those empty boxes as a bullet point, so I could tick them after completing each task, but I forgot to do it…so here we go, star point it is!

Please check the blog later today, to see what I have really managed to accomplish today!

If you are curious about this challenge and want to know more, check the 30 days of lists website. There’s still time to register!! 
Previous lists can be found here.

UPDATE. This is a list of what I really accomplished today:

  • Did our grocery shopping online
  • Printed Olivia’s pic for nursery
  • Published #52 blog post
  • Started planning a blog re-do
  • Baked a cake

5 out of 8, not bad for a Sunday!