Shop update // Clearance Sale 50% OFF

One of the intentions of my One Little Word for 2014 is to focus on just a few things, in the hope that my creative spirit will have the chance to soar. On the practical side, I’m working on quite a lot of things to achieve this. Starting from my Etsy shop. In 2014 I will be focusing on selling items that reflect my creativity and hopefully will show a common style between them. I haven’t set out a clear plan yet, but I know for sure the type of items currently on sale that I want to keep in the shop:
The rest is currently on sale at 50% OFF!! the clearance section also inlcude some Christmas items that didn’t sell, so if you are stocking up for the end of the year holiday, have a look.
I’m hoping to get a new banner and to add more items soon.

Creating In Colour is now on Etsy

On 10th July 2013 I finally pushed the ‘open shop’ button on my Etsy page. I have been waiting and waiting for this moment for various reasons; fear, hesitation, indecision, but mainly because it has taken me ages to get a few items ready, the collecting, the cutting, the stapling, the photographing…between a full time job and a very active 19-month girl it has been hard to find the time and energy to do this. But I wanted to try it, anyway. I had it written down on paper a few months back and this to me has been more than a commitment, more like a binding contract with myself.
So after months of preparation, I decided it was now or never.

I have been making some jotters out of scrap paper lately, designed some ‘to-do-list’ notebooks and put together a summer journal to keep my summer memories. And all of them are now available to buy from my shop.
I’m starting small, only 14 items, but my goal in the next few weeks is to stock up the shop. Lots of ideas have been flying in my head since the shop opened; it’s just a matter of getting my head down and start to work on them.
I don’t know if and how things will evolve; I have a clear financial goal to achieve by the end of the year and I will work hard for it. But what I value the most for now is that I have been enjoying the whole process of opening the shop, from the items making, to the photographing, the text writing.
Click here and have a look!