Documenting 2015: 2/12

Brother & Sister: Playing and reading books together. It doesn’t usually last very long, but it’s a joy when it happens
Olivia: Recovering from a long period of colds and flu, but always up for a family trip to the playground
Vale: so loud and cheerful
February was short and bitter. We spent most of our days inside, playing games and getting bored at times. We made fresh orange juice daily, we watched tv, we fell asleep on the couch, we got dressed up for carnival. But mostly we laughed together.

I will be documenting 2015 through monthly portraits of my little ones. You can check last month’s pictures here.

Documenting 2015: 1/12

Brother & Sister: watching tv while mama cooks dinner has become one of their favourite things to do together. And so far they have not been fighting over what to watch. 

 Over the past two years I have been joining the 52 project, documenting the life of my little lady through weekly portraits. At the end of the year I ended up with 52 pictures and some funny facts about her life (you can check the past weekly photos here), and all of it was printed into a mini book that we also used as a present for our families (you check the one for 2013 here). I love those so much and once in a while my not-so-little-anymore likes to go through the books and likes to ask about all the stories behind each picture. Since my handsome boy joined our family last August, I had the intention of carrying out as the previous years, by taking a weekly picture of both my kids. And then I realised life gets a little bit more complicated with two little people around. I still tend to take tons of photos of them each week with my phone, but the quantity doesn’t always mean quality and also sharing part has proven to be much more difficult than expected. So this year I will just be showing monthly portraits of my littles and, whenever possible, I will be trying to add a portrait of them together; it will be fun to see how their relationship and the way they interact with each other will change in a year. Let’s start with January.

Olivia: Having the time of her life at the playground. She had been asking to go for days and had been not so patiently waiting for the weekend to come.

Vale: Getting accustomed to the high chair a few days before starting to eat solid.

February is the new January

This morning I finally logged back into my blogger account after a very long time. I have been thinking about it since December, but never had the time or the inspiration to come back to this space. Things have been quite intense lately and all my energies have been sucked up by something else, aka looking after a toddler and a newborn. I had so many plans for this 2015, including keeping this blog alive with regular posts and projects. Needless to say, that hasn’t happen so far, but it’s never to late to start. So February has become my new January this year, and although I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep it up, I’ve lined up a few projects I would love to carry through the year and a few things I would like to accomplish in the next few months. Patience is not one of my main virtue, but persistence is; so slowly but surely I will get things done. Here to a new productive and fun year!
The planner I’m using is the Ogami professional notebook

Fruits of the womb // the end and the beginning

This post is well over due, but I wanted to wrap up this little project of mine and get everything ready to be printed out in a mini book as a little memento.

And so my 9-month journey through my second pregnancy has ended with the best of all the fruits! A healthy baby boy, weighing 3.550kg baby and measuring 52cm…a giant compared to his tiny sister.

He was eager to come to the world (labour lasted only 1hr!), just needed a bit of help.

3: the magic number!

Dear Olivia,
you turned “almost three” today! This is what you have been saying when asked…the concept of time is still a bit funnily confusing for you. This past year you have surprised us as we could have not possibly imagined. You moved to a new class at nursery, ditched the dummy, went through an overseas move, learned to use the potty, dealt with the arrival of your baby brother, started a new school, got your first haircut. And you did all this in such a natural way that we almost forgot you are only 3. Your life has been turned upside down and you have been dealing with things and behaving and growing as it was normal business. We were a bit distracted over the summer and all of a sudden we were looking at you and realising you had grown into a beautiful and funny and smart little lady. You make us laugh in a way no one does, you make us proud in a way no one else can understand, you keep learning and improving at a speed we cannot control, you keep changing in a way we feel lucky to witness. You are 3 today and we can only wish you to be the way you are for the rest of your life.
With love, mamma and papa’.