
It’s week 38 and so glad I’m still managing to keep this project (the only project!) going. 
 Olivia: She doesn’t care about the mess in her room, but love tidying up her little kitchen. 
Vale: getting bigger and bigger everyday. And loving to seat on his bouncer when he’s awake.


It’s week 37 and it has been a tiring, yet exciting week…a new school for my eldest and a new morning routine for my youngest. And an early morning alarm clock we are still trying to adjust to!
Olivia: loving al fresco dining. I’m sure it was the pizza she loved the most.

Vale: looking at his sister doing a show
Joining with Jodi from Practicing Simplicity.

36/52 and a catch up

It’s week 36 and it feels like summer is definitely over. It’s time to regain some sort of normality around here after the crazy month we had, settle back into a fall routine and catch up with all the projects that were put on hold!
Week 36 // Olivia: Loving this new playground we just discovered
Week 36 // Vale: Starting to stay awake a bit longer now
And that is what these two have been up to over the past month….
Week 35 // Olivia: Posing for mama with her favourite toy. She’s getting cuter every day.
Week 35 // Vale: He’s back home and bored already.
Week 34 // Olivia: Napping while waiting for mama at the hospital. 
Week 34 // Vale: He had the cutest little crib at the hospital.
Week 33 // Olivia: She’s a natural crafter. She lean to use the scissors a few weeks back and started cutting everything she could get hold of (after asking for our permission!)
Week 33 // Vale: He almost doesn’t fit in his cocoon anymore…this boy is growing too fast! 
Week 32 // Olivia: Enjoying wandering around her granddad’s garden. She loved picking fresh fruit and veg and eating them straight away.
Week 32 // Vale: First trip to the paediatrician. His umbilical cord fell off too soon and we panicked.

August in a nutshell

We became a family of four.

We went visit my in-laws up on the mountains.

We had our little hospitalised with a ear infection.

We spent our first week since we moved to Rome on our own in our new home with our new family… and we survived!

We are ready to start a new season in our life, we welcome you September and happy first month my sweet little guy.


It’s week 31 and we are now a family of four!

Olivia: Adjusting to her new role of big sister. It’s quite hard having to learn to share our attention with her brother, but she’ll get there, eventually.

Valentino: He eats, he sleeps, he cries like a champion. And we are loving every minute of it!