Meet Valentino, aka “George”

He’s finally here. He was born on August 1st, at 8.49pm, after an extremely quick but very intense and extremely painful, labour. 
We are all madly in love with this very peaceful little guy. xxx

30/52 + 41/40

So, we reached week 30 of 52, and by this time we were supposed to be a family of four…I guess we’ll have to wait a few more days!!!
Olivia: enjoying some mother-daughter painting session. I’m hoping I will be able to keep this us time once her brother will arrive and everything else will be disrupted!

Baby boy: I seriously wouldn’t have thought to pass the due date by a week! And since there is no fruit or veg to compare this baby to anymore, it will be just my giant belly this time. One way or another, by this time next week he will be here, joining his big sister in her weekly photo shoots.


It’s week 29 and already halfway through summer! Our sumer holidays haven’t officially started yet, we are still waiting for the fourth member of our family before the fun can start.
Olivia: waiting at the bus stop. She insisted on wearing her new sunglasses and looked pretty cool with them. And she kept holding that croissant on the entire bus ride, but refused to even take a single bite!

A list // July

I am…

making: no plans whatsoever, just living one day at a time.
cooking: lots of fresh and locally produced vegetables. It pays off living close to your in-laws and their vegetable patch!
drinking: freshly made almond milk.
reading: the circle, by Dave Eggers.
wanting: to go to the beach as soon as possible.
looking: for the perfect nursing chair.
playing: with water as soon as we get the chance. Thank you Rome for the thousands of fountains at almost every corner.
wasting: time with the italian national health service. No wonder why people go private!
sowing: fresh summer herbs on our tiny balcony.
wishing: we would have agreed on a boy’s name by now.
enjoying: afternoon storms which bring a bit of fresh air.
waiting: for this baby boy to arrive!
liking:  our new neighbourhood and the many things still to be discovered.
wondering: how Olivia will react once she meets her baby brother.
loving: our new big space.
hoping: that giving birth will be quick and less painful as possible.
marvelling: at how well and quick we adapted back to the italian lifestyle.
needing: to lay down very 5 minutes or so. Can’t really stand or seat for too long these days.
smelling: fresh pastries every morning…there is a bakery opposite our building!
wearing: a maternity belt to help ease the pain of this growing belly.
following: lots of new creative blogs on bloglovin.
noticing: how much the sun does to our moods.
knowing: this might not last forever.
thinking: about the SBA diploma course almost every day.
bookmarking: parenting related articles. Potty training is getting us nowhere!
opening: parcels almost daily…we do love some online shopping.
giggling: when Olivia comes to our room in the morning to wake us up. She gives us a kiss and whisper our names, before she start shouting that she wants milk!
feeling: impatient and terrified about giving birth.

Fruits of the womb // week 39

We made it to week 39 and now I’m seriously hoping this will be the last picture of me looking like I’ve actually eaten a watermelon!
I had a screening appointment on Tuesday and everything seems to be going as it should, so we just have to patiently wait and see. I’m starting to get a bit nervous now knowing that any day could be the day!
As per the babycenter newsletter, the baby should now weighs a bit over 3kg (although the smallest watermelon I could find is actually 5kg!) and is roughly 50cm long from head to heel.