
We have been adjusting to the english weather back again this week, and trying to make the most of the very few sunny spells. Summer we are still waiting for you!

This week you:

  • Turned 17 months. And again, four weeks have gone by super quickly, and before I know it you’ll turn 18 months!
  • Pointed at yourself, and laughed, every time we asked you where Olivia was.
  • Went back at nursery after a week away and were not impressed, but you survived brilliantly.
  • Started to repeat some of the words we say to you. You really are making progress!
  • You keep calling us both ‘baba’, but if we insist a little you call us ‘mama’ and ‘papa’.
  • Enjoyed playing in our front garden, weather permitting. Picking up and throwing pebbles is still is your favourite game.
  • Had a swollen cheek for a few days. And we wouldn’t have even noticed it if you hadn’t pointed at it so often with your little finger.

I’m loving the light on the portraits of Isabella, Harriet, Billy, Arlo and some chubby little cheeks @24 weeks from Life in our busy household, from last week posts.
If you are curious about this project and want to know more, you can check Jody’s blog @ Che and Fidel.

All my previous posts can be found here.