
It’s week 44 already! In a month time you’ll be turning two, and we are so not ready for this yet! Although I wonder if we ever will.
This is you with your papa walking around his hometown

This week you:

  • Loved singing all day long! not sure what tune it is, but it’s awesome.
  • Kept waking up in the early morning asking for milk. But after shsss-ing you, you went back to sleep. Hoorray!
  • Asked for Becca, your teacher, every single day. But when we asked you if you wanted to go to nursery you said no.
  • Had your afternoon nap around 2pm, as usual, on Thursday and missed the nursery’s halloween party.
  • Hugged and kissed your grandma at the airport and didn’t leaver alone, not even for a second. Even asked for her when you woke up during the night asking for water!

And from last week, I love Maile, the sleeping beauty from See You There. So calm and peaceful, there is nothing worth more than a visit to this blog!
If you are curious about this project and want to know more, you can check Jody’s blog @ Che and Fidel.
All my previous posts can be found here.