It’s week 6 and I’m playing catch up! I couldn’t get a decent photo over the past week and I tried to make up for it yesterday during my lunch break and last night at bath time.

“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2014”
Olivia: She still loves bath time (and so do I). She loves washing herself, including her hair (finally!). The tricky thing is getting her out of the tub when the water starts to get cold. Yesterday, I managed to persuade her with a face cream, which ended up everywhere on her body, hair included….she’s such a girlie girl!
Baby-to-be: We (well, it was just me!) heard the heartbeat for the first time, and it was nice to know everything is going well especially after my fall down the stairs a few weeks back!
And we have a new banner for this year’s project from one of my favourite artist, Oana Befort. Click on the sidebar to see all my previous posts.
Linking up with Jody from Practising Simplicity.