I am…
making: a painting a month.
cooking: lots of cereals.
drinking: decaf tea and coffee. And it’s going to be like this for a while.
reading: La banda Sacco(Camilleri).
wanting: to move to Rome.
looking: for signs of spring.
playing: with stickers’ books all day long.
wasting: time at work.
sowing: creative seeds.
wishing: for a slower paced life.
enjoying: planning for our move.
waiting: for the clock to change.
liking: my effort for sticking to my plans.
wondering: how things will be when baby #2 will be out.
loving: the me time during my lunch breaks (still!).
hoping: that everything will fall into place.
marvelling: at my growing belly.
needing: a new passport.
smelling: the spring air.
wearing: flat shoes.
following: my fellow expecting mamas (@krugthethinker, @sagerchatter and @peoepea) on Instagram.
noticing: the days are getting longer.
knowing: we will be a family of four.
thinking: it will all be ok.
bookmarking: lots of botanical painting workshops.
opening: the windows to get the warmer air in.
giggling: when Olivia sings to herself.
feeling: a bit clumsy and overweight