I am…
making: lists over lists. for fun, for work, for grocery shopping, for things to do.
cooking: curries. getting a little obsessed with spices, vegetables and rice.
drinking: fresh ginger tea, with honey and lemon almost every night. A must for colds and sore throats.
reading: punk rock dad. and loving it.
wanting: to go somewhere warm.
looking: for the perfect autumn raincoat.
playing: in muddy puddles.
wasting: time worrying about little things.
sowing: winter bulbs for the winter.
wishing: for some change to happen soon.
enjoying: working only three days a week. and spending my two days off with my little girl.
waiting: for new winter TV series to start.
liking: my desire to paint again.
wondering: if I’m doing things right.
loving: the me time during my lunch breaks.
hoping: that we will find a new home soon.
marvelling: at how much the little miss is growing.
needing: newwinter shoes for work.
smelling: the autumn rain on freshly cut grass.
wearing: socks and tights again.
following: Oana Befort and Golly Bard’s Drawing Room, and their amazing illustrations.
noticing: the green leaves turning yellow.
knowing: things happen for a reason.
thinking: it can only get better.
bookmarking: lots of potential winter projects.
opening: bags of walnuts, raisins and peanuts. Our favourite afternoon snack.
giggling: in the morning while still in bed, listening to our little miss blabbering to herself right after waking up.
feeling: rather positive and in a good mood.