
Week 31 and our summer holiday is finally here! We made it through the last week before our trip and the wedding in Bern. And we had so much fun catching up with old and new friends.

This week you:

  • Tried to pull your eyelashes minutes before falling asleep in the evening. You have been doing this from some time, and now I know it’s the sign you are drifting off.
  • Enjoyed watching yourself in the mirror right after your bath. You made me wrap you in your bath towel, pick you up and dance in front the mirror. And you kept laughing like crazy!
  • Behaved like a champ on our solo trip to Switzerland!
  • Were the most beautiful at our friend’s wedding.
  • Used two packs of 64 wipes in three days…mainly to wipe yourself for fun.
  • Made everyone smile during the wedding ceremony as you kept wiping the sweat off your face like an old lady.
If you are curious about this project and want to know more, you can check Jody’s blog @ Che and Fidel.
All my previous posts can be found here.


Still enjoying the summer and this project! Lots of playing, laughing, blabbering and indoor picnics this week. And also getting ready for our holiday.

This week you:

  • Had fun playing with our old matress. We fold it in two and you loved walking in the middle of it, sliding the sides, and jump on it.
  • Waved mama goodbye and sent kisses when I dropped you off at nursery.
  • Enjoyed the good weather with trips to the playground after dinner.
  • Talked way too much, and really you are becoming such an entertainer we could spend hours just watching you doing your own things.
  • Shouted ‘papa wake up!’ one morning, or this is what we think you said. But you repeated it twice, we both heard it, so that counts!
  • Watched more children videos that normally allowed, but we all had a rough time and that helped us recover and eased our way through the week.
  • Spent an entire day without a nap for the first time and didn’t seem to mind. But we were nackered and put you to bed at 7.30pm.
  • Said the name of your favourite toy (‘nanna’) for the first time. And you had to say it a couple of times before I realised that you were actually saying a new word. We are getting so used to listening to you talking!
And a lot of summer splashes in last week’s portraits from  Forever Lovely. It makes me miss the beach even more!
If you are curious about this project and want to know more, you can check Jody’s blog @ Che and Fidel.
All my previous posts can be found here.

The Phone Photography Project // Part 3

Made it to the third week of this phoneography project and discovered that it is really worth taking a greater care when taking pictures with your phone. I got used to the idea that phone pictures are on-the-go pictures, the ones you take for quickly snapping some on-the-moment events, without caring about the light, the background noise, the composition. It is all of that for sure, but also a lot more. Phone pictures are not less valuable than those taken with your big camera, and a good shot is always a good one regardless which device you are using. Phone pictures are the ones you are more likely to share with family and friends and the ones that you will look at more often, especially if you, like me, only delete pictures from your phone twice a year. Not in a million year I’m planning to become a professional photographer, although that was one of my dream at some point in my life, but surely it wouldn’t hurt having a good collections of pictures to document our life.

Day 17: Far Away
“Everything seems simpler from a distance.”
Gail Tsukiyama

Day 18: Reflection

“There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.” Ernst Haas

Day 19: Shadows

“Where there is much light, the shadow is deep.”
Johann von Goethe

Day 20: In Season

“In summer, the song sings itself.” 
William Carlos Williams

Day 21: What’s Cooking
“Food is an important part of a balanced diet.”
Fran Lebowitz

Day 22: Routine

“Summer afternoon-summer afternoon; to me those have always 
been the two most beautiful words in the English language.”
Henry James

Day 23: Laughter
I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t laugh.”
Maya Angelou

Day 24: Bloom and Grow
“The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses.”
Hanna Rion

Click on the icon on the right side bar, under the ‘my projects’ section, or just click here to check all my previous #walktowork posts.

I am also posting my pictures daily in Instagram using the #BPCphonephotographyproject tag (click here to follow).

The Phone Photography Project // Part 2

And this is part 2 of the Phone Photography Project at Big Picture Classes. The challenges keep coming in every day; sometimes I manage to shoot the right picture straight away, some other times I wait for a better opportunity. And this week has been a bit of a catch up exercise.

Day 9: Jump

“Look, I really don’t want to wax philosophic, but I will say that if you’re alive, you got to flap your arms and legs, you got to jump around a lot, you got to make a lot of noise, because life is the very opposite of death.” Mel Brooks

Day 10: Clouds

“Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.” Rabindranath Tagore

Day 11: Change Your Perspective

“While there is perhaps a province in which the photograph can tell us nothing more than what we see with our own eyes, there is another in which it proves to us how little our eyes permit us to see.” 

Dorothea Lange

Day 12: At Play

“A little nonsense, now and then, is cherished by the wisest men.”

Roald Dahl

Day 13: Water

“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.”

Loran Eisely

Day 14: On the Street
“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”  Elliott Erwitt

Day 15: Summer Selfie

“There is just one life for each of us: our own.” 


Day 16: Up Close and Personal

“Look closely. The beautiful may be small.” 

Immanuel Kant

The picture for Day 9 was taken with PhotoSequencePro for Android using a Nexus 4. 
All the other pictures are taken with an Iphone 4S, using the phone default camera.
Filters are all Instagram.
Click on the icon on the right side bar, under the ‘my projects’ section, or just click here to check all my previous #BPCphonephotographyproject posts.

I am also posting my pictures daily in Instagram using the #BPCphonephotographyproject tag (click here to follow).


Summer is quickly sleeping away, but we are trying to make the most of it. Trips to the park, outdoor playing, BBQs. And eagerly waiting for our summer holiday in a couple of weeks.
One of your favourite at the playground

This week you:

  • Wore your first pigtails. And you were very patient while I struggled to tie your hair!
  • Had fun at our friends’ house on Sunday. But didn’t played much with the other kids, I guess they were too old for you. And fell in love with an outdoor circus tent.
  • Played in the nursery playground before going in in the morning and before going home in the afternoon. Favourite toys, the police car and the kitchen units. And then we had to race to the door.
  • Ate a lot. And drank a lot of milk. And we love it when you are so good!
  • Went swimming with mama on Saturday. But all you wanted to do was staying under the shower in the changing room! And you didn’t like it much either when the other kids were splashing water at you.
  • Loved our trip to Ikea. You seriously tested all the chairs and beds in the store. And asked for chicken, chips and peas for lunch 🙂
  • Enjoyed reading out loud one of the books we picked up from the library, ‘Spot loves sports’. And we secretely laugh every time we hear you making noises and animal sounds.
  • Learned to repeat after papa: ‘BA’, ‘BE’, ‘BI’, ‘BO’, ‘BU’. And you impressed all your grandparents with this!
And from last week I’m loving Advay from The Art Side and his personal art gallery! Beautiful watercolours. 
If you are curious about this project and want to know more, you can check Jody’s blog @ Che and Fidel.
All my previous posts can be found here.