
It’s week 13 and it is finally nice-ish and warm outside! we have enjoyed a family weekend and some mother’s day celebrations, spending lots of time outside and making the most of the sunshine. 

Olivia: She knows what food she likes and dislikes, and we now know that too! it took us a while to understand while she was not eating properly at times and devouring her dinner some other times. She has acquired her own taste for certain foods; her favourites are still walnuts and pistachios, blueberries, sweetcorn and raw carrots, and we can’t really complain about that! And after this weekend, we can happily add ice cream cones to the list.

12/52 + 23/40

It’s week 12 and posting a bit later than usual! I got the spring bug this week, and felt a bit lazy with regard to basically everything, but laying on the couch and playing games on my phone.

Olivia: She surely is a 2-year-old toddler in full swing! she has learnt how to push the right buttons to get what she wants, but when she is in a good mood she is just the best kid a parent could ask for! we have been enjoying playing with sticker’s books, singing out loud and reading stories (she does that by herself at bed time!). And started to ask, especially me, to remain alone in the room while playing, apparently I distract her too much!

Baby boy: It’s 23 weeks, weighting just over 1/2 kilo and measuring more than 28cm…apparently the size of a large mango! Not sure I follow babycenter’s fruits comparisons, but that is what it says.


It’s week 11 and we have been enjoying a glorious weather, lots of sunshine and longer days!

This is you carrying your wellies to the car in a bag bigger that you.
Olivia: Her appetite was coming and going all week, but she asked for raw carrots every single day! And thankfully her red raincoat still sort of fits; it will be very difficult to replace…she’s is totally in love with it. 
Linking up with Jody from Practising Simplicity.

9/52 + 10/52

It’s playing catch up again this week! but this time I have a very good excuse…we have been to Italy for 10 days and despite my intentions of carry on with my daily/weekly routine, I hardly checked my emails, Instgram feed, let alone publishing a blog post. So here we are, the best of the past two weeks.
In Rome, eating a slice of pizza at every corner
Olivia – week 9: She got very excited when we told her we were going to Rome. And screamed with joy when she saw her trolley ready to be packed in our living room! 
In Pisa, wearing zia Marty’s handbag after her graduation
Olivia – week 10: She loved spending time in Italy and seeing family (lots of it!) and friends. She has been a joy to be around and made our stay there very enjoyable and relaxing.

Linking up with Jody from Practising Simplicity.


“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2014”
Olivia: We came to realise this week that she has very much outgrown her baby stage. She doesn’t want to sleep in her cot anymore, but in the big bed. She doesn’t want to seat in her high chair at the dinner table, but in papa’s chair (with no booster seat, we tried and she firmly refused!). She doesn’t want to seat in her pushchair for long, but prefers walking. It’s a joy and a pain to see her grow so fast.
Baby-to-be: And again this week, I’ll get a new picture in a separate post!
Linking up with Jody from Practising Simplicity.