
This is you pretending to eat a plastic orange from your grocery shopping trolley
It’s week 3 and you are becoming funnier everyday! This week you moved to a new class at nursery, and although were a bit confused at first, you were vary brave and adapted better than expected to the new teachers and the new routine.


Let’s roll with week 2! My lack of photographic skills is definitely not helped by a very moving toddler. This shot is the best I got form last week, but I like it because it shows how much my little one has grown…she can now look above the safety gate, and not just pick through the bars as before.
This is you playing pick-a-boo with me, trying to hide behind the gate.

Linking up with Jody.

52/52 + 1/52

The end and the beginning! Following this project last year has been extremely valuable to me. I was able to record an entire year into my little one’s life through photos and some fun facts. And I’m already putting together a mini book with all the posts to print in several copies for us and the grandparents. I have the same plan for 2014: “A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014”, but maybe using less words and better photos. 
This is you on Christmas day, reading a book on your tiny chair under the Christmas tree
This week you:
  • Loved playing around the house with everyone in the family;
  • Finally learned to say your name, well almost,…Olila is as good as it gets!
  • Didn’t eat properly during dinner time, but enjoyed snacking pizzas and gelatos.
  • Had your first Italian ID card. It took a while to get the photo done, but it turned out to be very cute.
  •  Enjoyed some cuddles from your not-so-little-anymore friend G. We think it’s love!

This is you on January 1st. You spent the morning on the couch under the blanket with your favourite puppets. We think you needed to recover from the late night before (yes, you stayed up until 12.30am to celebrate), but also loved the spot where you little friend E fell asleep the night before.

Linking up with Jody from Practising Simplicity.


It’s week 51 and I’m so in love with with this project! We are spending our holidays in Italy, enjoying family time and eating ice creams all day. I’m posting two photos this week, because I just couldn’t decide which one to use.

This week you:

  • spent hours with your grandparents and aunties;
  • learned everybody’s name, including the cat;
  • ate gelato with gusto (finally!);
  • Loved the feeling of sand on your toes; a very different story from this past summer…;
  • fell asleep in front of the TV for your afternoon nap;
  • went to bed way past your bedtime hour;
  • screamed like hell when we went to see the paediatrician;
  • refused to take your medicine and learned how keep your mouth completely shut.
And this week I’m loving the portraits of the Little Red Vikings; and Mila’s face eating a bowl of chocolate is just my favourite.

If you are curious about this project and want to know more, you can check Jody’s blog @ Che and Fidel.

All my previous posts can be found here.


It’s week 50 and I’m thinking of doing this all over again next year! This week went by quickly, getting ready for our Christmas holiday, still opening birthday presents and meeting little friends.

This is you eating pancakes on the floor half naked on saturday morning

This week you:

  • Ate a lot.
  • Well behaved most of the time.
  • Undressed youreself many times during the day and loved going around half naked.
  • Played dressing up with papa’s underwear (it was clean in case you are wondering!).
  • Kept talking and talking and talking!
  • Brought E’s photo to nursery and didn’t want to wear nothing but your favourite jumper.
  • Enjoyed opening more birthday presents.
  • Loved playing in your friend’s room. I guess it’s time for you to have your own room!
If you are curious about this project and want to know more, you can check Jody’s blog @ Che and Fidel.
All my previous posts can be found here.