I’m reading Taking Flight once again and working on myself to become a possibilitarian. And once again, I’m discovering new things about me and new things I love.
Category: LOVE
Sunday afternoon at the farm
Last week we spent our Sunday afternoon in one of our favourite places: the Garsons Farm in Esher. And although we don’t go there very often, we love this place! It is close to where we live, has miles of fields with all sort of vegetables and fruits, you can pick your own crop, spend some time outdoor and have fun with friends and family.
The weather was great, a bit cloudy but warm and that made our walk very much enjoyable and relaxing. Our little miss slept for half of the time, but when she woke up and realised we were out in the open picking strawberries she was so excited she kept smiling and dancing and shouting the entire time. We did have a bit of tasting in the field, which is really not allowed, but it is very tempting and how can you say no when your little start going around the fields and orchards and start picking strawberries and plums! We all had a wonderful time, laughs with friends and some family time. And enjoyed a freshly cooked minestrone soup as soon as we got home.

Already planning our next visit to stock up pumpkins for Halloween.
Pick of the Month: September // Autumn Essentials

1. Autumn art print by oana befort on Etsy / 2. Short welly boots from Hunter / 3. Stormy weather mac from White Stuff / 4. Hat from H&M/ 5. Cookies box from Milliescookies / 6. Checked and floral print neckerchief from Zara / 7. Fox cardigan from Mothercare / 8. Wellies from Mothercare/ 9. Puppy leggings from Asda.
We put aside our summer clothes too early this year. the rain forced us to shop for some new wellies, macs and scarves. We discovered millies cookies once again and my mood has been lifted looking at the amazing Oana Befort’s seasonal illustrations. September you went so quickly we are still catching up with you!

September always brings a renewed energy with it. The days start to get shorter, the evenings are cooler and it feels like you have a second chance to start something new with a fresh and relaxed mind. September it’s the month for planning the rest of the year, thinking about Christmas, deciding which new tv shows to watch, having a wardrobe makeover and a house spring-clean. And it’s the month when you start to slow down again after the hustle and bustle of the summer months.
Pick of the Month: August // Dream Office Spaces

All from Apartment Therapy / Home Office
This house hunting thing is going very slow and doing my head in! There are only a few houses available in our price range and our preferred location; and when I say a few I mean 4 houses, one of which is on a small island! But that does not stop me about planning dreaming about my future work space. And although my Mr and I will have to share a room to start with, I’m already picturing it in my head. I’m thinking loads of storage, subtle colours, homemade wall arts, a comfy chair and possibly a sofa with loads of cushions and a nice free standing lamp for some late night reading.
This new house of ours is slowly coming together room by room, and if it wouldn’t just be in my head, it would be a dream house.
Check this old post here for some children’s room inspiration.
Check this old post here for some children’s room inspiration.