Capturing the #skies of the british summer has been interesting, if not depressing; during the first week of summer we had more grey skies than blue ones (yeah for the last one just in time for the weekend!).
Over the past week I took two pictures everyday, either in the morning, at lunch time or in the early evening. I picked the same spot, our front door, and shot over the threes opposite where we live. Same location to capture the different moods of a typical (unfortunately!) summer week.
And this has been my last of the #walk to work series, as I want to give space to a new project which has started in July (more on the blog soon). It has been fun to capture some aspects of my daily commute throughout the month of June. It made my walks more interesting and gave me a nice distraction to the fact that i was actually going to the office.
All my daily favourite photos from my walks are on instagram, tagged with #walktowork (click here to follow).
Click on the icon on the right side bar, under the ‘my projects’ section, or just click here to check all my previous #walktowork posts.