October…..31 days to do lots of things is never enough, but it ended up better than expected.
I manage to do almost all the basic things I intended//
- Cleaning my wardrobe to make room for baby’s stuff // I manage to fit all the extras in just 4 bags. I won’t be able to fit in those clothes for at least the next 6 months!
- Do baby’s laundry // lost count of how many cycles I’ve done to wash all the clothes we have been kindly given by our friends. But it’s all done now and the tiny clothes are now ready to be used
- Attend NCT classes // very valuable to have an idea of what to expect before/during/after the baby is born, especially for G!
- Go the gym // still managing to do swimming, aqua and yoga at least three times a week. Start to feel a bit tired nowadays, but I’ll try ’till the end!
On the project side, I’m not as done as I could have been//
It’s pretty much done, but I’m currently not very happy with the end results…so it’s not going up the wall just yet.
DIY Project 2 – Felted bowls (here)
I made one using two straight needles, but I haven’t felted it yet…so not sure if it works or I need to get a round needle.
It’s pretty much done, the only thing missing is the binding on two sided…I ran out of white thread. But I’m very pleased with the results and I’m hoping to blog about it in the next few days including instructions.
DIY Project 4 – Christmas quilted stocking (here)
Haven’t even started on this one…it will go in the November list!
It’s coming out pretty well, but it does take time to make it!
I’m starting to think that maybe I was a bit over ambitious, but overall I’m glad I set some goals otherwise I would have ended up doing half of the things that I have actually made!
On another note: So another month has gone by very quickly, leaving only 5 weeks until we’ll meet our little baby, until our lives will change forever, until the unexpected will be ruling our days…until we’ll settle in our new family life made up with more joy, love and excitement!
So November will be the last month, I guess for a while, when I can still plan things, dedicate time to make stuff and work on projects, take time for myself.