It’s week 10 already, and couldn’t be happier to have started this project. I had lots of photos to choose from this week, but this was my favourite…I’m in love with her tiny white teeth and this face shows what type of little person she has become, she is so funny sometimes she makes us laugh with tears!

This week you:
Learned how to scream from the top of your lungs and practiced every time you wanted to get our attention.
Had your settling sessions at nursery. It went better than expected, and apart from some tears when your dad was leaving, you did enjoy it. And apparently loved the chicken curry!
Turned 15 months (time is flying!).
Attended Sylvia’s birthday party on Saturday and had fun playing with your friends. You tried to blow the candles on the cake, clapped your hands when we sang ‘Happy birthday’ and had chocolate cake for the first time.
Ate soapy bubbles with gusto during bath time.
Had loads of new toys to play with…your dad went overboard 🙂
Danced and danced and danced! Practicing tiptoeing this week.
If you are curious about this project and want to know more, you can check Jody’s blog @ Che and Fidel.
My favourite portraits from last week were those B/W shots of Aila and Elliot @ Tea with Lucy; it must be the white teeth, but they are just adorable. Go and have a look!
Post for the previous weeks can be found here.