We spent the week in Italy, visiting my in-laws. It was cold and snowy for most part, but we had some sunshine and a clear sky towards the end. Little Miss O had a great time playing with her grandparents, the dog and her little cousin. As we spent a lot of time together, we took lots of pictures, both with the camera and the phones, and it was difficult to choose just one that would represent the week. Here is a bunch of this week photos.
Reading time
Out for a walk
Painting with mama
On the snow with papa
This week you:
Insisted on brushing your teeth every time we went in the bathroom.
Refused to dress up for the Carnival parade. And fell asleep as soon as the parade started.
Had a temperature one night and made us watch two episodes of ‘In the night garden’ at 1am.
Asked to go and play with the dog, hundreds of times during the day.
Note: I’m publishing this post on Monday this week as we flew back to England on Sunday.