There are lots of really pretty houses and cottages on my way to work, with pretty front porches and gardens. This time of the year they are at their best with all the greens and colourful flowers. I love the front doors that people use here in England, they are made of wood and painted in all sort of colours; a big difference from the boring, and mainly brown, aluminium security doors we have in Italy. And people here care about how their house looks like, not just the inside for them to love, but also the outside for everybody else to enjoy.
So “front doors” was last week’s theme for my daily photos. It felt a bit awkward shooting somebody’s house, a bit like an invasion of privacy. But then I thought that these houses are on a main street, their gardens are well maintained probably not just for the pleasure of the owner and I have seen people entering my own front garden just to smell the flowers. And the awkwardness melted away. And shooting these houses became natural and something to look forward to every morning.
All my daily favourite photos from my walks are on instagram, tagged with #walktowork (click here to follow).
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